Photo of Michaelene Ruhl, PsyD

Michaelene Ruhl, PsyDPsychologist, Facilitator, Guide, Teacher/trainer, Sitter, Coach

Video article

Psychedelics and the Ego: Integrating Your Life with Dr. Michaelene Ruhl

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Interview with Michaelene Ruhl: what makes a good Constellations Facilitator?

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Article and Podcast Links

I have been interviewed for podcasts and have been interviewed for articles. Please follow the links below to learn more.

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My Story of Healing through Connecting™

Healing through Connecting™ is not just a theory… it is a fact, it is proven, it is seen and felt by many. I lived for so many years without true connection - except for the connection I had with my maternal grandfather. I am still connected with him to this day, even after his passing several years ago. I didn’t learn how to connect, really connect with anyone, including myself, until I was in my late thirties and even then I was still leery.

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Strength & Love

We often can have a skewed definition of “be strong” in our society. From “toxic masculinity” to “don’t cry” to “put on a strong front” even when we feel like we will break. Breaking takes great strength, seeing, reconnecting, and receiving love again does, too, especially if life experiences seemingly tell or show us otherwise.

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Courage is a Given

Ever since I watched the “Wizard of Oz” and saw the cowardly lion, I have been amazed and curious about courage. It is an essential key to moving forward in life, to healing. Change and growth sprout from courage and without courage we are stuck. To help understand courage a bit more, let’s explore courage as an existential given.