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Why Golden Teacher mushrooms are so popular

Golden Teacher mushrooms are among the most popular mushroom strains in the world to study and hunt for in the wild. First appearing in the 1980s, the exact origin of the Golden Teacher mushroom remains unknown. It is commonly believed that the Golden Teacher mushroom was discovered on a farm in Georgia or possibly even originated from Cuba.

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B+ Cubensis Mushroom Spore Syringe

The B+ mushroom is a very-easy-to-cultivate psilocybe cubensis mushroom variety/strain. B+ Spores are a dark purplish-brown color when viewed under a microscope.

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Z-Strain Mushroom Spore Syringe

The Z-strain cubensis is a top choice for beginner and novice researchers alike.

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Giant Puffball Liquid Culture Syringe

Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as the Giant puffball, is commonly found in meadows, fields, and deciduous forests worldwide, usually in late summer and autumn. Most grow to be 4 to 28 in) in diameter, although can reach up to 5 ft., and weigh over 40 lbs. The fruiting body of a puffball mushroom develops within a few weeks and then begins to produce spores. The meat of giant puffballs tastes very similar to tofu or melted cheese when cooked. Puffballs may be sautéed, broiled, or breaded and fried; they do not dehydrate well, but may be cooked and then frozen.

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Elm Oyster Liquid Culture Syringe

Scientific Name: Hypsizygus ulmarius Classification: Edible Cultivation Difficulty: Easy Substrates: Spawn bags; Straw; Wood chips, sawdust; Newspaper, cardboard Temperature: Colonizing / Fruiting – 70-80 / 55-65 Strain Origin: N. America; Europe