The first step is to fill out our online form. Here is where we will begin to set up a discovery call and appointment. At the appointment, we will discuss medical history, intention of treatment, and answer any questions regarding our treatment process.
This will be a face-to-face appointment with Dr. Simonson, and this will take up to an hour MINIMUM, and can take up to 2 hours. Patients will spend this appointment with Dr. Simonson reviewing intake paperwork, medical history, medications, and other questions that should be addressed prior to scheduling any treatment appointments. We will NOT schedule infusion on the same day as new patient intake appointments.
The next step is setting a treatment appointment. At this appointment, we will begin with patient intake. Once intake is complete, we will begin our treatment session monitored by our Medical Doctor.
Patients will receive instructions prior to infusion treatments and possible side effects prior to receiving treatment. Patients are STRONGLY encouraged to ask questions and make sure that all questions have been answered prior to having infusion treatment.
These appointments will last about an hour minimum.
Through receiving the ketamine medication and treatment, patience uncover the Ketamine Therapy experience. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that allows the patient to disconnect their consciousness from their idea of who they are. This allows a more objective view of oneself from outside the narrative our ego builds and that we use to define our identity. In this state, the patient is able to see how their beliefs, behaviors and patterns of both thought and action cause them distress.
During an initial visit, Dr. Simonson and the patient will discuss the symptoms affecting the patient. Together, the doctor and patient will create a tailor-made treatment protocol that the doctor feels will be effective and the patient feels they can execute.
Integration wellness: Patience often succeed best with counseling to help with their wellness goals. Ketamine-assisted therapy has been shown to be more effective than talk therapy alone. The major differences are in longevity of relief from symptoms with the ketamine-assisted therapy often completely alleviating the symptoms entirely.
With the counseling, also come talks about, sleep health, nutrition and lab work. Sleep Health
As simple as it is, the cornerstone of mental health is good quality sleep. According to the CDC, the participants in their study who averaged six or fewer hours of nightly sleep were about two and a half times more likely to have frequent mental distress than participants who slept more than six hours nightly.
As an MD, Dr. Simonson can order a sleep study for those with obstructive sleep apnea to discover if a CPAP will be beneficial. He can also prescribe medications and other treatments to reach optimized sleep hygiene. Better sleep for the patient means better mental health in general and will be foundational for our other therapeutic approaches.
The standard American diet of easily prepared, processed food can promote inflammation which is detrimental to mental health. According to this article, diets high in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates are associated with greater incidences of depression, depressive symptoms, and anxiety. An unhealthy diet in older adults has been associated with shrinking a structure in the brain responsible for learning, memory and mood regulation, perhaps even influencing depression.
To address the impact of your diet on your overall mental health, we will perform a full dietetic review and, if required, the patient can then be referred to our in-house dietician for help improving their diet.
When approaching mental health from a holistic perspective, we are able to truly focus on the mind-body connection and interdependence. As an MD, Dr. Simonson will be able to order blood tests and lab work that may illuminate your mental health issues from a physical symptom perspective.
Some types of lab work that may be ordered are:
Blood chemistry
Vitamin levels
Inflammatory markers
Hormone levels
Patience who follow our program are often most success combining all that we have available. From open and honest discussions to full integration, we are here every step of the way!