At The Space Between, we believe psychedelic experiences are deeply personal and transformative. No two experiences are alike, and new insights can be obtained from each journey within. We strive to deliver individualized care under the safest conditions possible, where patients can feel held and nurtured while their journeys unfold.
Our team consists of a board certified anesthesiologist with over 15 years of administering ketamine right here in New York City. Our anesthesiologist is present for administration of the medicine, and on site to monitor your vital signs and treat any issues that may arise throughout your visit.
At The Space Between, individualized care means catering to the preferences of our patients. We understand that some of our patients may prefer to receive female led therapy. We are happy to accommodate these requests for any of our patients.
Inclusiveness in our practice is an essential aspect of providing high-quality care to all of our patients. It means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, or any other factor.