After health pre-screening, and first consultation, and 3 prep sessions online, the dosing session is: medical checks (measuring blood pressure, pulse, if relevant: pregnancy test, covid-test) the pre-agreed dose of magic mushroom (dried and/or ground up) (1-5 gram), would be consumed orally with a glass of water or mixed in orange juice (see: “lemon-tek”), or chewed dry (it has a typical mushroom taste, like champignons, earthy flavour). The participant is laying at this point in a bed or couch in a room that can be the providers’ room, or your hotel room, wearing comfortable clothing. There are blankets available, as it is normal and typical that psychedelics cause body temperature to first decrease, then increase. Eyeshades and headphones are applied, with curated music list. The facilitator is sitting on a chair next to the participant. Onset of psilocybin takes about 15-60 minutes, and the trip effect lasts about 4-5 hours. There are snacks, like banana (for electrolites), bottle of water, a bucket to get sick in readily available. The faciliator may approach at times, and provide touch, in a manner that had been agreed upon in the preparation sessions. It is normal for the participant to express emotions, to talk, cry, have voluntary or involuntary body movements, sweat (might want to bring change of clothes) or to stay inwards silent even for a prolonged time. In such cases the facilitator would check in after about an hour with the participant. Interactions with the facilitator may vary, the goal is to support you best. The facilitator has a non-directive aproach during the dosing session, meaning, in this highly suggestable mindset there is no directive conversation, he is following your lead, your pace, and remains non-judgemental, not expressing value judgements, but is providing a safe space for you to be, to feel and think what you need to feel and think. The only time when he acts directive is for safety measures. You will have agreed to not leave the premises until the effects of the substance have worn off, and your facilitator agrees with you in that. Typically that might be the case 6-7 hours after ingestion, individually can vary. You musn’t drive till the following morning. You need to drink enough water up until 2 hours before ingestion, but not afterwards so you won’t have to use the bathroom too often and thus interrupt your experience, and do not eat a heavy meal before, as you might get sick. You can take medication to prevent getting sick. Dosing session typically happen in the morning. In the days and weeks leading to the dosing session try to abstain from alkohol, sex, have healthy sleep routine, eat healthy, and calm your nervous system in every aspect possible (abstaining from situations, encounters, environments that are not calming you). Set intentions, journal, meditate. All this will be discussed in preparation sessions as well.