The first session will involve a review of the answers to below questions, followed by a timeline. This is likely going to make this a longer session. Sessions involve communication of words left unsaid, emotional expression, usually followed by understanding and resolve.
Precautions: Contraindications – when Kambo cannot be used:
>Aneurism >Active ulcers >Addison’s disease >Brain haemorrhage >Blood clots >Chemo – 6 weeks post and prior
>Heart issues – Bypass surgery, valve replacement, pacemaker, enlarged heart, implanted difibulator >Heart disease
>Fluid in the heart >Organ transplant >Serious mental health condition excluding Depression, PTSD and Anxiety
>Medicated low blood pressure >Recent internal surgeries – min 8 weeks post >Stroke >Pregnant >Breast feeding –
under 6 months >Under 18 years old >Asthmatic – please bring inhaler >Diabetics must bring insulin and food
>Medication – anti-depressants refrain from taking daily medications on the day of the treatment and then carry on as
normal. Anti-biotics are best to be taken alone without Kambo – Kambo can be taken after the course of antibiotics.
>COVID Vaccine – 4 weeks prior >Alcohol or drug dependant – varies please contact directly for further details >Drugs and
or large amounts of alcohol consumed up to 48 hours prior to treatment >Water fasting or fasting within 48 hours of
receiving Kambo, you need to have eaten the day before Kambo >Use of enemas, colonics, saunas or sweat lodges for 48
hours prior to treatment.
** It is imperative that you are open and honest and disclose everything about current
and recent medication, even is not listed and is similar – this is for your own safety.
Prior to a treatment no food is to be consumed for 8 hours prior. A small glass or 2 of water is ok or a cup of herbal tea.
Kambo is a purgative medicine so you will be provided with a bucket and there is a toilet on facility for defecation. This is
the releasing of toxins built up in the body. As well as this physical purge an emotional purge such as tears and or anger
may also occur. Prior to the treatment we will cover all health and safety details before the treatment begins. You will
need to drink 1.5-2 litres of water 15 minutes prior to the medicine being applied, to ensure there is water to purge during
your treatment. The medicine is applied to ‘gates’ made on the body using a glowing non scented incense stick.
Traditionally the males have the gates applied to their left arm and females to their right lower leg, however where you
want them situated is at your own discretion. We will begin with 3 gates and you will receive a test point application, after
which you will be communicating how you are feeling. Normal reactions at this stage and throughout the treatment can
include a flushing / heat arising on your head and or arms and hands, increased heart rate, numbness, swelling on the face,
stiff hands. After this observation I may need to apply more gates to the skin and will then apply the rest of the medicine.
The medicine is absorbed through the gates into the lymphatic system. A purgative part Kambo session can last between
20 – 40 minutes. The full treatment can last up to 3 hours including consultation.
* Please be aware that in the time after your treatment when you return home – emotions may surface, old patterns and
cycles may need to play out again to be released. This is a natural part of any healing journey and feeling them and letting
you pass through you as opposed to supressing them is how we get better. It is best to ensure you have a network of
support around you after if you are not used to being present with your emotions, or you feel vulnerable.
3 litres of water (must NOT be distilled water due to lack of minerals). If your method of travelling makes it
awkward to bring water I can provide spring water. This can be a little more filling that other waters, however is
extremely high quality. I find to be the handiest a 6 pack of the small bottles of Evian. Smaller bottles are easier
to get through and Evian is a high quality water.
• Blankets and pillow for your extra comfort – this is only needed if a larger ceremony. For groups of 1-2 at my
home studio this will be provided.
• Although not always the case, during a treatment you may sweat a lot, for this reason you may want to bring a
change of clothes
• Some light food for after is optional
Sessions are generally between 1.5 and 3 hours, with an average (apart from first session) of 2 hours.
On rare occasions we can span over the 3 hours if you can give yourself the time space for this.
The 2nd session is another timeline (no longer pre chat is required at this stage).
The 3rd session will be a birth / womb session. Note this may span into 2 sessions depending on how this flows.
The following session will be an ancestral tree session. For this you will need to prepare a family tree with any information you can collate (we can work with very little information – as all will unravel in the session). This is to be done in a specific format and videos on how to will be sent pre this session for you to prepare. This must be sent pre session for review. We may after this do another family tree session (again depending on the 1st family tree session).
Following this we may do a beyond the family tree session.
Another style of session that may be done at this stage is reason for holding on to the symptom. This is if the symptom is still expressing for you. Your unconscious is finding some sort of gain to still hold on to it.
*Symptoms that are out of this box and differ are weight, allergies and eating disorders. We can discuss how these sessions will look.
>Please note that we may unlock the key to the symptom no longer needing to express at an earlier stage in this general process. At which stage we no longer need to continue sessions on that particular issue.
It is advised to do sessions once per month or every 3 weeks. This is dependent on your individual circumstances.
For myself personally and others that work with me, we continue the therapy of the ‘next thing’ that presents itself when we have reached a resolution with the previous.
For you personally you may feel the call to work with this therapy in this style also. This is usually for those that feel the truth and authenticity in all that is being unravelled, a discovery of expanding consciousness. Those that are dedicated to their mission on this human path
After session effects and integration: During a treatment in a lesser number of cases your face can become swollen (known as ‘frog face’) due to fluid going to the face during the treatment. In the eventuality that this may happen it is advisable to leave some time after the treatment that you will not have somewhere sociable to rush off. It is the norm for the swelling if it occurs to go down
again in a hour or so, but on rare occasions it can last for around 24 hours after the treatment.
It may also be the case that you can be extremely fatigued after the session due to the depth you will be meeting yourself
& parts of yourself, therefore it is again advisable to not have anything that will exert too much energy planned for
The peptides in the Kambo can be working on your system for up to 5 days after the treatment. Although many people
function at a higher pace that normal after a treatment with clarity and excelled motivation, it may also be that case that
you will be processing on some level after the treatment. There may be some physical symptoms in this 5 day period of
increased perspiration, increased bowel movements or releasing of stored up emotions. Please allow this additional time
should anything arise to process, and remember everything is working out for your highest good and is part of your healing
with this amazing medicine.