Working 12 years with the bufo Alvarius medicine. Enrique has facilitated more than 11,000 people around Europe and America.
He also helped train many people who were interested in becoming facilitators.
2 years ago, Enrique started working with the Mother Plant (Ayahuasca), which, in his opinion, helps people to reintegrate the Bufo experience, which is a much more powerful experience!
blowing Right now, Earth’s four winds are upon you.
This is a beautiful gift for your health and well-being so that you can attain higher knowledge.
Nobody can take this away from you because it is a gift, a blessing for you for the rest of your life.
Born 54 years ago in Mexico. I have been very interested in mysticism and shamanism since I was young.
My first experience with plant medicine was as a teenager traveling through the Mexican deserts, which are rich in cactus containing psychedelic compounds (peyote).
At the age of seventeen,
I decided to leave home and pursue my own career, at this point I worked mostly in restaurants.
Toad medicine (Bufo Alvarius) came into my life many years later when I was over forty.
By that time, I was a successful manager in a well-known restaurant in Spain, whilst at the same time going through a divorce process.
It was at this time I fell into a severe depression and felt the only way out was suicide by overdosing on large quantities of cocaine.
But a grateful encounter with my now long-time friend guided me directly to this sacred medicine that completely suddenly changed my life from one day to another.
The addiction and depression were gone,
After this process whit the Bufo medicine,
I began to have lucid dreams, about Indians who shared their knowledge and experience with me in the Mexican Sonora Desert.
After a few months, I decided to follow those dreams and go to Sonora Mexico.
To my surprise, the elder of the Seri Indians tribe welcomes me with the words:
“We’ve Been Expecting You!
You’ll spend three weeks with us and medicine and then we’ll see if we will bless you to become a carrier of this sacred medicine.”
So it happened, my dreams were manifested,
So in February 2014 I received their knowledge to share this sacred medicine with the whole world.
I have been blessed with this work for the last twelve years, about eleven thousand people have passed through my hands, as well as a few European and American Celebrities.
During this time, I have served in many countries in Europe (Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, France, England & Ireland) and America (Mexico, Miami, Dallas, New York).
I have collaborated with scientists at the University of the Czech Republic and other institutes in Europe like MAPS & ICEERS on this research aimed at detecting people’s reintegration abilities.
Setting, safety standards and integrity as one of my priorities in the way of the ceremonies.
I find it important to have personal interviews at least a few weeks in advance, including providing all the necessary information for the pre-preparation for the ceremony and also for the subsequent reintegration with a list of reintegration tools.
I serve medicine to a maximum of 7 people per day, and one on one sessions separately.
Before I start the ceremony, I ask a few basic security questions about (illnesses, medications, drugs, alcohol) and then i can decide which medicine to use synthetic 5 meo, or Buffo, within the group.
I give everyone as much time as they need to settle down and reintegrate as each person needs, then I start working with the next person.
During the ceremony, I use chanting, & mantras,
Tibetan bowls, or a shamanic drum.
Everyone has the option to choose according to their intuition from the two medicines I work with (Bufo Alvarius or pure synthetic 5-Meo-DMT).
Also, everyone has the choice whether they would like to use the medicine once, twice, or three times during the ceremony, this is depending on their intuition, needs, and previous experience.
The process is as gentle as possible, you can do this sitting in the lotus position or just sitting down if you have difficulty with this specific pose, and I always respect the client’s space during the process.
I only give Hope for grounding on request.
The process of ego loss is experienced by many as a process of death and rebirth or oneness with the whole Universe, bringing mental clarity, increased motivation, awareness, the joy of life, a sense of inner peace and calm, releasing fear of death, attachment to past trauma and habitual negative thought patterns into ordinary life.
The ceremony is followed by a communal sharing of experiences and food before everyone leaves to go home.